Accessibility Notice of the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee

Below we describe the compliance of the website of the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee with accessibility requirements. The site was first published on 29.01.2025.

This website is owned by the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee and we would like to meet the accessibility requirements established under § 32 of the Public Information Act (these have been established by standard EN 301 549 V.3.2.1).

At the end of this notice, you will find contact details you can turn to if you experience problems with the accessibility of the website.

Compliance status

This website does not meet accessibility requirements for the reasons listed below.


The website of the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee has been designed and tested to be compatible with the following support technologies:

  • Chrome web browser with JAWS screen reader
  • Android Chrome web browser with TalkBack screen reader
  • iOS Safari web browser with VoiceOver screen reader.

Content and features that are not accessible

Below is a list of known accessibility issues that the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee is working on to address.


  • The website does not fully follow the font size settings of the operating system and/or web browser.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement 11.7 of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • All subpages are titled “Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee” which does not describe the topic or purpose of the pages in sufficient detail.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Most subpages can only be accessed via the menu.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • There is no skip link on ERJK web.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Some of the decorative images and icons are not hidden from screen readers.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Some of the texts may not be readable due to low contrast.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Some of the user interface elements may not be visible due to low contrast.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When the cookie notice is visible, it may hide elements in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Texts that look like headings are not always marked as heading items.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Pages have accessibility issues.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement 9.6 of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • For bulleted lists, screen readers read out bullets.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When reading out input fields, screen readers do not mention input field labels; therefore it is not clear what the purpose of the input field is when navigating with a screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When using browser zoom, at 200% the values in drop-down menus may not be easy to read.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On a 1280px wide screen, at 150% - 200% browser zoom, the values in drop-down menus may not be easy to read.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Buttons for emptying drop-down menus are not accessible when navigating with a keyboard or screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirements and of standard EN 301 549 are not met.
  • Some of the drop-down menus do not have visible focus styles; therefore it is not always clearly understandable which element is in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • The button for scrolling to the top of the page does not have a label for screen readers; therefore it is not understandable what button it is when navigating with a screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Sub-menu tabs (e.g. on "Financing reports" pages) are not marked as list items.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • With screen readers, for submenu tabs (e.g. on "Financing reports" pages), it is not possible to determine which tab has been selected although it is visually distinguished.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Screen readers do not automatically read out status changes.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On a 1280px wide screen, a horizontal scrollbar may appear on the page when using browser zoom.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.


  • Link labels read out by screen readers do not always match visible names of links.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • For links that open PDF-documents, it is not clear that they open PDF-documents.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Screen readers do not provide enough information about links/buttons that start download.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Only colour is used to distinguish links on some pages.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.


  • On mobile, the button to open / close menu does not have a focus style; therefore it is not clearly understandable which element is in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When navigating with a keyboard on mobile, the page does not always scroll down/up enough; therefore the element in focus may not always be visible.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When navigating the home page of the information system with a keyboard on mobile, the focus moves in an illogical order.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On mobile, submenu tabs (e.g. on "Financing reports" pages) do not have visible focus styles; therefore it is not clearly understandable which element is in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On mobile, the button to scroll to the top of a page does not have a visible focus style; therefore it is not clearly understandable which element is in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On mobile, the clickable headings in the heading menu on the “Rules of procedure” page do not have visible focus styles; therefore it is not clearly understandable which element is in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.


  • The describing text of the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee logo in the header and footer is “erjk logo” which does not provide the same information as the logo and is not translated.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • With JAWS screen reader, it is not possible to determine which language has been selected, although it is visually distinguished.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.


  • On a 1280px wide screen, starting from 250% browser zoom, a horizontal scroll bar appears on the page when the menu is open.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • With screen readers, it is not possible to determine which menu item has been selected, although it is visually distinguished.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On mobile, the menu open/close button does not have a label; therefore it is not understandable what button it is when navigating with a screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.

Issues on specific pages

  • When increasing the text spacing on home page, the links and legend next to the chart are not fully visible.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On home page, the chart is not usable when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On home page, the links next to the chart do not have visible focus styles; therefore it is not clearly understandable which element is in focus when navigating with a keyboard.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Hovering the cursor over the chart on home page displays information that cannot be closed with the ESC key.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Hovering the cursor over the chart on home page displays information which changes as the cursor is moved over it.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • There is no first-level heading on home page.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • The chart on home page is not usable when navigating with a screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • For the chart on home page, it is not possible to determine with the JAWS screen reader that the year drop-down menu is a user interface element.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • Agenda notices contain lists that are not marked as list items.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On home page and the “Work of the Committee” page, the "Open agenda" buttons are not linked to agenda notice titles; therefore it is not possible to determine which agenda notice can be opened by clicking on a button when navigating with a screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When navigating the home page of the information system with a keyboard, after the "Enter" button, focus is lost for the duration of one TAB key press.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • There is a link on the home page of the information system that is not visually visible and does not have a name that is understandable to screen readers.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • The skip link is in English on the homepage of the information system in Estonian. 
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On "Financing reports" pages, the buttons to clear drop-down menu are activated by a mouse down-event.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On "Financing reports" pages, screen readers read out the text behind the “Show more” button even when user has not opened it.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • When giving keyboard focus to clickable table header cells on "Financing reports" pages, the header cell text is not visible.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On a 1280px wide screen, a horizontal scroll bar appears on the page starting from 250% browser zoom on "Financing reports" pages.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On a 1280px wide screen, the "Download CSV" button may partially cover the heading above the table starting from 300% browser zoom on "Financing reports" pages.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On "Financing reports" pages, when navigating with a screen reader, it is not clear to which part of the page the "Print" and "Download CSV" buttons belong.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • On "Financing reports" pages, the clickable header cell in the table is read out as a link by screen readers, which does not indicate that it is a sort functionality.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.
  • For certain components, the focus of the screen reader and keyboard may move in an illogical order.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirements and of standard EN 301 549 are not met.
  • In the opened agenda notice modal, it is possible to navigate under the modal with a keyboard and a screen reader.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirements and of standard EN 301 549 are not met.
  • By navigating the committee’s “Rules of Procedure” page with the keyboard, a heading can be activated from the heading menu, but the focus remains in the heading menu.
    Due to the deficiency, accessibility requirement of standard EN 301 549 is not met.


  • There are a number of accessibility deficiencies in the documents published on the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee website. Accessibility requirements,,,,,,,,,,,, of standard EN 301 549 are not met.

User guide

Navigation with keyboard

It is also possible to navigate this website with keyboard only. Navigation is done using the TAB key and arrow keys. Each press of the TAB key moves the focus to the next focusable element.

Enlarging content

Web browsers

To enlarge content, we recommend first using the built-in functionality of the web browser.

In all popular browsers, it is possible to zoom in and out on pages by holding down the Ctrl key (Cmd key in OS X operating system) while pressing either the + or - key. Another handy option is to use the mouse: holding down the Ctrl key while moving the mouse scroll wheel. To return to normal size, press the Ctrl and 0 keys at the same time. The page can also be enlarged from browser settings.

Separate programs

All most common operating systems include settings to magnify the content displayed on the screen.

On Windows computers, a program called Magnifier can be used, which can be turned on by navigating as follows: Settings -> Ease of Access -> Magnifier.

On Apple computers, to use zoom, navigate as follows: Apple menu -> System Settings -> Accessibility (or Universal Access) -> Zoom.

Web browser extensions

For web browsers, there are extensions enabling zoom that complement the existing functionality of the web browser. For example, for the Firefox browser, there is Zoom Page WE, which allows you to zoom in on the whole page as well as just the text. For the Chrome browser, there is Zoom for Google Chrome.

Using screen reader

Screen reader is a program that conveys what is displayed on computer screen. In particular, it is an aid for the partially-sighted.

The content presented on this website has been created according to standards that are understandable to screen readers and so that each type of visual content can be reproduced in another format. For example, informative images have textual descriptions attached, and the layout and order of structural elements takes into account the movement of the screen reader on the screen and allows information to be consumed in a logical sequence.

Selection of popular screen reader and browser combinations:

  • JAWS screen reader (Windows) with Chrome browser
  • VoiceOver screen reader (OS X, free, built-in) with Safari browser
  • NVDA screen reader (Windows, free) with Firefox browser
  • TalkBack screen reader (Android, free, built-in) with Chrome browser


We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of this website. If you would like to give feedback on accessibility or if something you need remains inaccessible for you, please contact us via the contact details below.


We will usually reply to you within seven working days.

Supervisory authority

The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority supervises the accessibility of websites and applications of public services.

Phone: +372 667 2000

Preparation of the Notice

This Accessibility Notice has been prepared on the basis of an evaluation carried out by an external partner.

This Notice was prepared on 29.01.2025.