Here you can find the quarterly reports on the revenues of political parties since the first quarter of 2013 and the quarterly reports on expenses since the beginning of 2014.
Pursuant to the amendment to the Political Parties Act which entered into force on 1 April 2013, the political parties document in this report all their income received during the accounting period pursuant to the sources specified in Article 121(2) of the Political Parties Act, and also the bank loans obtained during the period. Pursuant to the Political Parties Act, a political party may receive income only from membership fees established on the basis of the articles of association of the political party, donations made on the terms and conditions laid down in the Political Parties Act, allocations from the state budget, and transactions with the property of the political party. A political party may enter into a loan contract only with a credit institution.
On 1 April 2014, a new amendment to the Political Parties Act entered into force, according to which political parties have to report all their expenses of the accounting period from 1 January by the categories of expenses set out in Article 121(8) of the Act. Pursuant to the Political Parties Act, political parties have to submit reports on expenses of political activities, labour expenses and administrative expenses. Expenses of political activities are categorised into advertising expenses, public relations expenses, publication expenses, expenses of public events and other political expenses. Advertising expenses are divided into expenses of television, radio, online, outdoor and newspaper advertising, and printed adverting materials.